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This is a sweater that my mom's dear friend, Phyllis, knit for Susie. She had knit one for JJ too and I just love them both so much, so I had to get some pictures of her in it as it will quickly be too small and warm to wear it.
I had to include this picture because it looks like a "Little House on the Prairie" bonnet, like Ma used to put on little Grace
This is her favorite place to be and she likes to look in the mirror...uh oh
My full fledged thumb sucker! I love it! She rarely cries when I put her down to sleep...she just goes for that thumb...
I think she's worried about something, but what does a baby have to worry about??
I have to get the pictures of JJ in this jumper at the same age as I think they will be quite similar...love the fluffy hair! I think I had just given her a bath.
"hubba hubba, what a figure...two more legs and look like Trigger" no idea what this means, but my mom always used to say it to chubby babies...Trigger was someone's horse? Oh dear Susie, you will ONLY hear this as an adorable chubby baby:)
Love the eyes, don't you?
This was a full layette outfit in six months--didn't know that they made them that big, but I exchanged for the bigger size instead of getting something else as it was a gift...pretty funny altogether though:)
Susie-Q...we just can't get enough of you! I just want to hug you all the time and you bring such comfort and joy, my cuddle bug. I know so soon you will no longer be this cuddly baby, so I am going to drink it in and praise God for a healthy baby who WILL GROW up (rightly so) and I pray so soon you will know Jesus in your heart...along with big brother.
You are straight from Heaven, little one...may you ALWAYS know how dearly you are loved!
Oh! Both the posts on Susie and JJ are so fun to read. I hate how time passes so quickly but I love watching all the changes and developments the growing brings....I think that tension will never end for us moms. Tobi has that same polka dot shirt/dress in her size...I love it. And the sweater is so sweet :)
I want to mush her!! And she loves her thumb--mommy always said those are the best babies! She is such a punkin and YES, she looks VERY much like JJ in the pictures of her in the jumper! Very Much!! Love and miss you!
Crazy for Christ
t was around 9:00pm as I went into the grocery store. I saw a young man
pass by and felt like maybe I should talk to him about the Lord, but
instead I cont...
Oh! Both the posts on Susie and JJ are so fun to read. I hate how time passes so quickly but I love watching all the changes and developments the growing brings....I think that tension will never end for us moms. Tobi has that same polka dot shirt/dress in her size...I love it. And the sweater is so sweet :)
I want to mush her!! And she loves her thumb--mommy always said those are the best babies! She is such a punkin and YES, she looks VERY much like JJ in the pictures of her in the jumper! Very Much!! Love and miss you!
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