My dear friend Anita and I have started a pre-school for her 3 and my JJ. It has been lots of fun (and work;) but so great to do it together! We’ve been have school Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9-11:30 and every other Friday Field Trips! Pre-school for 3 year-olds is 9am-1pm 4 days a week or 5 hours 3 days a week and I wasn’t ready to ‘lose’ JJ for that long. Also, it’s been good for me to embrace ‘homeschooling’ at some level as I will be homeschooling in English while, Lord willing, JJ (and Susie) attends Hungarian school…crazy to say, but this is where we are headed!
“Auntie ‘Nita” going over letters…so far A-D we’ve done.
Georgie Porgie Pudding and Pie…
“Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall (JJ says ‘walk’:))”
Humpty Dumpty had a great (BIG! JJ adds) fall…
there were multiple falls this day:)
“There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe…
“She had so many children she didn’t know what to do…”
“she gave them some broth without any bread…
AND KISSED THEM ALL SWEETLY and put them to bed:)” “Three Blind Mice. Three Blind Mice. They all ran after the Farmer’s Wife…
have you ever seen such a sight in your life as Three Blind Mice”
“Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet…”
(can you fill in the missing lines??)
“…along came a spider and sat down beside her…
“and frightened Miss Muffet away!”
(the boys weren’t too good at being frightened away since they thought the spider was so cool:)
Video will be coming of their performing these at our Open House which PopPop and NaNa Marie were able to come to since they were visiting:)
(we planned it around their visit—one of the benefits of homeschooling:)