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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dad/PopPop’s 70th Birthday Bash

I was so blessed to be able to fly home to PA with Susie (and my niece Annika who had flown down by herself to spend a few days with us) to celebrate my Dad’s 70th Birthday.  We surprised him…his birthday is actually in the beginning of July, but since we were overseas, my sisters agreed to plan it so I could be there—THANKS SISTERS!!! And, it was a truly blessed time…DadandAbby DadandAbby - Copy



Hugs for everyone…

DadandJudah DadJonny


DadJudahJen DadSusie  DadSusie4 Dadwave DadSusie2

Judah-He loved playing with the “Ball Party”…

Judah Judah2 Judah3 Judah4

Judah also loved playing Badminton…

Judahbadmitton Judahbadmitton2 

…and so did Annika

 Annika2 Annika3 

…so did…EVERYONE! 

We played badminton as kids in the backyard of our farm, so it was really fun that my sister and her husband had just gotten a set for their house.

Badmitton Badmitton2 Badmitton3 

Chloe loves tennis and has taken lessons so she really works hard at perfecting her badminton

Chloe1  Chloe2Chloe4 DavidJonny Jenna JennaChloe JennaKelsee Judahbadmitton3

My brother Jon is always teaching…here it’s Annika…

JonnyAnnika    Laynabadmitton

LaynaBribadmitton Nea1 NeaJenna NeaJonny

Jon and Nea playing on the same team?!…I think they always picked opposite teams growing up;)


Love this pic of Sophia



This picture would be great if my eyes weren’t closed…



Cami Cami2 Cami3 Cami5 Cami6

  ChloeKaylie - Copy  Cornhole…

which I’ve only played in the South, so, apparently my sister just moved to “the South”;)

Dadcornhole - Copy DadDavid - Copy   

 Dadwave DonBricornhole2 - Copy DonBricornhole - Copy

In the midst of the party my brother-in-law (Glenn, below right) built “garage storage” for my other brother-in-law as they’d just moved into this house 6 weeks earlier!


My Uncle David (Dad’s brother-bottom left) was checking things out…he got the “construction gene” in the family…sorry Dad—but you have always used a hammer well!



    My niece Jenna…she will be 18 in October…I was her age when she was born!!!  Wow! We all remember waiting in the hospital to hear about your being born!

Jennaswing3 - Copy  Jennaswing6 - Copy Jennaswing7 - Copy Jennaswing8 - Copy

Susie getting acclimated with Aunt Nea and Uncle Jonny…what do you think she is thinking?? we had a nice facebook banter about it already;)

JonnyNeaSusie - Copy

JonnySusie - Copy

   Kaylie…the one who took most of these pictures:) thanks dear niece!

Kaylieswing - Copy Kaylieswing2 - Copy Kaylieswing3 - Copy Kaylieswing4 - Copy

  Layna and Cami

LaynaCami - Copy 

Aunt Marilyn and Nea (left) and (Great) Aunt Melody with Susie

MarilynNea MelodySusie2 - Copy 

Nea, Aunt Janet and me…

NeaJanetAbby - Copy

NeaMarilyn - Copy


 Owen Owen2 - Copy Owen3 - Copy Owen4 - Copy Owen6 Owen9 OwenCornhole OwenCornhole2 Owensoccer Owensoccer2

Sophia was loving Badminton/Soccer!



(this is what I started calling her…I think it goes well with JJ…we are nicknamers in my family, so they’ll be others down the road, I’m sure)

Susie1 Susie2 Susie3


   Don’t ask…it was really great cake!!!

Abbycake Abbycake2



cake  cakecool

Not too bad for an “old guy”…Good Job Dad!!!




Kelsee and Annika


Hostess with the Most-est!

Kristen2  Layna…sooo cute!

Layna2 Layna4 Layna5 Layna6 Owencake Owencake2

Judah6 Judah5

We took family shots outside before everyone left…

Nea and Dad…she said she “needed to get one” after she saw my other sisters and me getting one with Dad…it was really funny as she always is:)

DadandNea2 BrianJudah Honestly, it was such a blessed day…we all thought of our Mom when we looked at this picture:)

Dadandkids Dadandkids2

Twinners (left) and Sophia in PopPop’s lap—always a good thing:)

TwinsLayna PopPopSophia

This was the “group gift” for Dad…he really liked it…

Daddyrocker3 Daddyrocker Daddyrocker2

We got this “little rocker” thinking of the grandkids, but said that they could get another big one for my stepmom, Marie…here she is fitting in the kid one and pretending to be one apparently:)


(Clockwise) Uncle David, Dad, Aunt Marilyn and Aunt Melody

(Aunt Mim was missing, but it was for a very good reason—it is her and her husband’s farm that my Dad works at and since my uncle was away she needed to stay at the farm so Dad could come—THANKS AUNT MIM!)

DadandSiblings2  KrisandDad    PopPop with 11 of 18 grandkids…(JJ:( is missing and Jon’s youngest six—2 girls and 5 boys)


Susie9 Yes, she was the present!!! Wouldn’t that make your birthday alone??!!

Susie10 Susie11  JennaSusie2

Susie loved Jenna and my twin, Sara, thought it was so great to have pictures of the oldest and youngest grandchildren:) (me too!)

JennaSusie5 Susie7 Susie8  PopPopGrandkids2  Dad and his “babies”…

TwinsandDad We love you Harold, Dad, PopPop and are so blessed to have you here with us…we give so much thanks to God for your 70 years!!!
